CaribSea AquaBiotic Botanical Bacteria with Barley
The power of barley straw in a bottle. For years the most reliable tool of outdoor pond experts, barley straw has been the secret to clean, clear water. AquaBiotic botanical lets you take it inside to benefit your planted aquarium in a convenient liquid form. This advanced freshwater aquarium product contains liquid barley straw extract, beneficial waste reducing bacteria and enzymes for a total eco-systemic approach to aquarium maintenance including high water clarity. Use on a regular basis for excellent results with delicate freshwater aquatic life such as invertebrates, plants and soft-water fishes.
AquaBiotic™ Botanical is available as:
8 ounce bottles; UPC: 0 08479 08537 5
16 ounce bottles; UPC: 0 08479 00537 3