- Candy Cane Tetra
- Hyphessobrycon bentosi
- aka: Peppermint Tetras, Ornate Tetras, HY511 Tetras, HY-511 Tetra
- Size: max 2″
- pH: 5.6 – 7.4
- dH: 2 – 25
- Temp: 73 – 82F,
- Origin: Amazon Basin
Numbered among the South American species, this fish is relatively new in the US. Had been extremely hard to find anywhere, but we have them for sale A relatively peaceful fish suitable for all community tanks. Excellent Tropical Fish for beginners or advanced aquarists.
Males are slightly larger than females, and have elongated dorsal and anal fins. Compatibility: Compatible with Gouramis, Mollies, Swords, Barbs, Kribensis. Ideal for any South American Habitats, best to install these in numbers as they will do better in protective groups if you have any aggresive South American fish in your tank.
Size at shipping: about 1.25″+ SHIPS GREAT!