Albino Bichir Dinosaur Eel
Polypterus senegalis
- Temperament: Passive Community Fish
- Max Size: up to 12″ usually about 8″ in home aquaria
- Swimming Level: Bottom
- Experience Level: Very hardy and good for beginners
- Optimal Aquarium Setup: pH: 6.5 – 7.5 / Water Temp: 77 -80F
- Diet: Live foods like worms and shrimp, Freeze Dried Bloodworms, some frozen foods and community Formula Fish Flake and Pellet Foods
Origin, Appearance and additional notations: This fish is native to the streams and rivers of the African Congo Basin. It is a member of the Polypteridae, or Lobe-Finned Pike family. As with other members of the primitive Polypteridae family, this fish has the ability to survive out of water because it has a lung-like paired swim bladder and gills to help it breath. It can spend short periods of time on land, but must return quickly back to its water for respiration. This fish will do best in a large “oddball” aquarium with other large, passive fish.
Albino Bichir Dinosaur Eel or Polypterus senegalis is not usually aggressive toward tank mates as long as there are plenty of places for this fish to hide, like rocks, caves, and crevices. We have personally kept this fish in a pool with some small plecos, puffers, and snails and seem to be a very sweet as it always comes and “visits” us when we are close. Sometimes they seem to disappear for a couple days then come out and is very active toward the front of the glass. Size at shipping: about 2.5″+ always ships well