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Fertile Hatching Eggs – Gamebird – Reeve’s Hybrid split to Reeve’s Hen Pheasant

Original price was: $9.44.Current price is: $6.88.


Out of stock


These are eggs from breeding Male Reeve’s Hybrids to pure Reeve’s hens.  There are many breeders all over the world that have crossed 20 or 30 species of birds together for decades.  Our goal here is to make more mild mannered colorful hardy pheasant varieties, so they can be kept with all sorts of other pheasants and birds without conflict.  The offspring we have hatched have grown up to be very nice, gentle and with very calm manners, unlike the original Reeve’s pure species which is usually a crazy bird and will attack most owners protecting his hens. Mr. Peabody has been a pet for 8 years raised since a chick, but he cray cray! His offspring look like him, but with completely different personalities, and we keep Lady Amherst, Silver, Goldens, Kalij and other pheasants iwth them in our personal aviary with zero conflicts. Mission success!

Reeve’s Mutant Pheasant Hatching Eggs for sale

Reeves’s pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesii) is a large pheasant within the genus Syrmaticus. It is endemic to China. It is named after the British naturalist John Reeves, who first introduced live specimens to Europe in 1831

Eggs For Hatching Fresh Laid, Fresh Collected for every customer.  Poultry Pheasant Hatching Eggs. All our Eggs for hatching are from our proven breeders. Our farm is USDA Organic, no pesticides or herbicides ever.

Ships from our Farm in Tucson, Arizona, United States Shipping only.

The eggs you get come from our lovingly raised stock.  From about March thru July we are able to offer fresh fertile hatching eggs from many varieties of ornamental pheasants. We collect eggs daily, and batch them indoors and catalog them until orders can be freshly packed and promptly shipped.  We’ve been in business since 1987 and have sold hatching eggs for the past 15 years. We pack our products very well folks, out of 1000’s of shipments we have had 2 broken eggs to other professionals in 15 years.

If you are able to Add items to your cart, this means your eggs are getting laid now! But this does not mean that if you place your order on a Saturday night and pay for overnight shipping, you’re not getting your order the next day on Sunday.  (There are some blacklisted customers that think we drop everything every time an order is submitted) Friends, we have a Shipping Schedule we must follow to make each work week as productive as possible! Our process works, so rest assured, all egg orders are collected in the order we get them, and we will only ship you the freshest eggs possible!  If we cannot fill an order, we will let you know promptly and refund you in full. We will have a limited number of eggs to offer, but it’s all about patience.

Egg Terns & Conditions:  These are living organisms that must be collected fresh, we require payment for your order before we will collect your eggs.

Just like everyone else that ships eggs, we can not guarantee hatching due to things out of our control.

NO REFUNDS & NO RETURNS on hatching eggs.

Seller does not accept returns. All Sales Final.

We will send tracking information as soon as eggs are shipped.

No shipping outside of USA

All eggs offered for sale herein have been produced by our own proven stock. BUT There is still no guarantee on hatching eggs end result, anything can happen during shipping or your handling, so if our terms dont work for you, don’t buy them!

Due to the variability in incubators, and because I have no idea how you will handle the eggs once they are delivered, I cannot guarantee the eggs will hatch.

Shipping Choices

Shipping is your choice wither USPS Priority mail or USPS Priority Express, the Express will get quicker handling & delivery by your mail carrier generally to your front door, the Priority Mail method will add a few extra days transit to your shipment delivery time and will be delivered to your mailbox.

The US Postal Service will cover damaged or broken eggs, not us.  If any eggs arrive damaged, you must report it to your post office promptly for a refund from them directly. All packages are automatically insured for $100.

Tips for getting good hatching results!

Do not wash them! You’ll wash off a special natural bacteria coating that protects the egg from perishing so quickly. (Why is the US the only country that washes chicken eggs for eating, when it only speeds up the perishability process? Remember egg washing is not recommended because Salmonella can move into the inside of the egg through pores in the shell, increasing the risk to consumers. Never wash an egg that is intended for incubation.

Broody hen at your home?  Old English and other Bantam chickens are excellent for hatching your gamebird eggs naturally! If you’ve got one that wants to be a momma, you let her sit on your gamebird eggs for you!

When you get delivery, slowly and carefully unpack your eggs and place them in a egg tray or carton and place them points down 24 hours to let them rest from their trip and allow temp of egg to adjust to room temp.  You don’t want to put a cold egg in the incubator.  These tips will help a lot w hatching, friends!

Prices are always PER egg.

Minimum order for Reeves Mutant pheasant eggs is no less than 3

-Hybrid Pheasants are the result of breeding two pheasants from DIFFERENT family groups and are usually sterile. For example breeding a Ringneck (true pheasant family) and a Reeves pheasant (long tailed pheasant family) will produce offspring which will likely be infertile but not always.

-Crossed Pheasants are the result of breeding two pheasants from the SAME family group and are capable of reproducing. For example the most common crossed pheasants are Red Golden & Lady Amherst, both are in the RUFFED PHEASANT family. When they breed together the offspring are almost always fertile to reproduce.

There is absolutely no rule that says you cannot develop your own breed of pheasant. People have done it for decades not only with Pheasants, but with poultry, fish, livestock, etc. Highly unlikely that your crossbreds would get out and contaminate the wild stock. Even if they did escape and breed, their genes would be swamped by the pure wild stocks. So that should put an end to any question or concern ever. Do your thing. Enjoy your hobby, cross 20 different species of pheasants together if that’s what you want to do, just send us your pics of offspring so we can share it with other enthusiasts!
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