The Piper Shark named after legendary aquarist Dale Piper of Tucson, AZ, USA. Boy Howdy!
The size of these fish are documented up to 24″ and commonly 8 to 11″ in wild. We ship our Piper Sharks at about 2″ in length. A typical Piper Shark will stay about 4″ in most aquariums, larger in ponds.
pH: versatile 6.8 – 7
Will do great in slight alkaline water for breeding 7.4
GH: 10
Temp: 78F
Origin: SE Asia
Food: Green Hair or Filamentous Algae, algae on gravels and wood or on plants, supplement with New Life Spectrum “Community Formula” or “H20 Stable Wafers” found at Fish Foods
Family: Cyprinidae
Range: Southeast Asia
Size: Up to 24 inches
Diet: Omnivore
Ideal Water Conditions: 75-81F; pH 6.5-7.5; dH 10-15
Light: Medium
Swimming Level: No specific level
Care Level: Moderate
Reproduction: Egg Layer
Minimum quantity for “Carp Fish – Piper Shark” is 2.