Want an angel fish of a different color?
Then buy these Angelfish “Gold” Pterophyllum Scalare beauties.
- Size: up to 6″ in aquarium Appx Purchase Size: 1″ + Body Size of about a Quarter
- Optimal water: pH: 5.8 – 7.0 / kH: 1 – 5 / Temp:75-82oF
Purchase these in multiples for a price break. We do sell them in smaller numbers, see the other listing in this category to buy individually.
- Food: Omnivore diet New Life Spectrum “Cichlid Formula or Garlic Flake Formula”, Bloodworms
These are Tank Raised and nearly impossible to determine the sex unless you notice them breeding. Their eggs are usually laid on a rocks or plants. There shouldn’t be any problems with laying eggs and hatching the fry.
However you should remove the fry or parents after newborns are free-swimming otherwise fry could be eaten.