This is a very rare plant! Not typically available anywhere but here at! Native to US and Central America, the Baby Tears Pearlweed Micranthemum Micranthemoides Bunched Aquarium Plant will suit any aquarium tank. Coming in three different forms, there is a Baby Tears for any level of aquarist.
There is the darker green Regular Baby Tears, which grow taller than all other Baby Tear plants and will grow as tall as you want, depending on the right maintenance and care. Typically planted in mid to background.
There is the medium green Dwarf Baby Tear, which is the smallest of all Baby Tear plants. This plant is easy to grow and is a moderate spreading plant.
Then there is the bright green Giant Baby Tears, which possesses the same growing habit as Dwarf Baby Tears, except Giant Baby Tears is a bright green and has larger size leaves.
Minimum quantity for “Baby Tears Pearlweed Bunched Aquarium Plant” is 3