Freshwater Japanese Amano Shrimp Caridina japonica for sale at
pH: 6 – 8
Size: up to 1.5″
pH: 6-8
GH: 8
Temp: 72-85
Origin: Japan
These are very popular shrimp mainly due to the exposure they’ve received with Takashi Amano’s series of books. They are very versatile shrimp (like the Red-Cherry Shrimp), and they can handle similar water conditions cold/warm water, acid/alkaline water, hard/soft water. They can be sensitive to Ammonia.
Stocking Ratio: 3-5 Amano Shrimp per gallon
Minimum quantity for “Freshwater Shrimp – Amano Shrimp Caradina multidentata or Caridina japonica” is no less than 3.