Geophagus Brasilensis
Another beautiful and important fish to consider adding to your aquarium is the Geophagus Brasiliensis Cichlid. Much like the Jurupari, the females of this species will immediately reclaim her eggs after the male has fertilized them. These ,make excellent parents and also foster parents to other fish such as pleco or corydoras frye. These are gentle parents that wont eat their young. The mother fish will then care for the young for nearly three weeks before releasing them on their own. These amazing fish will also care and protect other young fish in the tank even if they are not her own or the same fish species.
Originally from Paraguay, these fish can grow up to 10” but average at about 6”.
They prefer water temperature of 78 – 82°F, with a pH of 6.2 – 7.5, and a dH of 8-13.