Use these top swimming minnows as an annual stocking fish for your outdoor pond or fountain when the waters warm to tropical levels 73 degrees +. These Golden Wonders are cruising thre surface looking for any larvae or flying insect. They look like golden jewels shimmering in the water from above. This is a seasonal fish used for stocking annually.
Striped Panchax, Aplocheilus lineatus, Golden Wonder Topminnow
This is a peaceful, amazing community fish that generally hovers at the water’s surface in vegetation and open spaces. Their max size is about 2.5 inches so unlike most killifish, this is considered one of the more larger killifish.
Golden Wonder Killies will eat various foods such as bloodworms, flake, and pellet foods. They are an ideal fish for beginner hobbyists and virtually unkillable!
Coloring can vary from a gold-green with beautiful golden/multicolored flecks along the sides. Mature males have flame red fins and are absolutely awesome! A must own fish for the killifish collector!