You just cant find these fish anymore ! But we still farm them! The Mexican tetra or Blind Cave Fish (Astyanax mexicanus) is a fresh-water fish of the characin family. The type species of its genus is native to the Nearctic ecozone, originating in the lower Rio Grande and the Neueces and Pecos Rivers in Texas as well as the central and eastern parts of Mexico and Somalia.
Cave tetras are blind, because they have evolved to live in completely dark cave Environments where sight is not necessary for survival, and therefore, over generations, the genetic traits for eye development have been lost due to natural selection, favoring individuals, who allocate energy to other senses, like touch and smell, which are more useful in the darkness. This process is considered “regressive evolution”
Growing to a maximum overall length of 12 cm (4.7 in), the Mexican tetra is of typical characin shape, with unremarkable, drab coloration. Its blind cave form, however, is notable for having no eyes and being albino, that is, completely devoid of pigmentation; it has a pinkish-white color to its body. This fish, especially the blind variant, is reasonably popular among aquarists.
A. mexicanus is a peaceful species that spends most of its time in the mid-level of the water above the rocky and sandy bottoms of pools and backwaters of creeks and rivers of its native environment. Coming from a subtropical climate, it prefers water with 6.0–7.8 pH, a hardness of up to 30 dGH, and a temperature range of 20 to 25 C (68 to 77 F). In the winter it migrates to warmer waters. Its natural diet consists of crustaceans, insects, and annelids, although in captivity it is omnivorous. An easy fish for all aquarium hobbyists! Ideally use in dim light aquariums or low light tanks, with rocks or caves as refuge. Males & females look identical.