Blue Gourami
Trichogaster trichopterus
A peaceful, fun breed of fish, whose origins can be traced to the South China Sea.
Also known as the Three-Spot Gourami, they feature two spots, one in the center of their body, and one at the beginning of its tail. This fish has the ability to change color with moods, from a silvery blue to a deeper blue during breeding.
The best living arrangement for these fish is in a 20 gallon tank which contains live plants, rocks and driftwood for hiding places.
Tank mates should be of similar size and temperament.
- Temp: 72-82° F ideal
- KH 4-18
- pH 6.0-8.8
They are also omnivores and will thrive on algae as well as meaty foods such as flying bugs, larvae, in your pond or supplement feed bloodworms if in an aquarium.