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Mosquito Control

Help prevent Airborne Illness with Biological Mosquito Control!
Mosquitoes can’t turn into blood suckers if the larvae wigglers get eaten by our FISH first!
Become pro-active today and do your part to help control the mosquito population naturally.
Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) can be used in Ponds, Cattle Ponds, Livestock Water Troughs, Retention Pools, stagnant waterways, partially filled kiddie pools & more!


Eats Mosquitoes, Mosquito Larvae, among other flying Insects and their Larvae

Size: typically about 1/2″ but females can get up to about 2″+

Water Requirements

pH: versatile 5.5 – 8.5
Water Temp: 30 – 105F +

Sexing: Males are always smaller than the female. The female is always larger than the male and since this is not an egg layer fish, but rather a “live-bearing” animal, the female may have what appears to be a balloon belly from time to time just before birthing frye (baby fish). p>

Biological Mosquito Control info
Biological mosquito control methods are one of the mainstays in protecting the public from mosquitoes and the transmission of mosquito-borne diseases. Mosquito biological control of Gambusia affinis is one of the best and most natural solutions available without the use of harmful chemicals. Mosquito fish are a small live-bearing minnow closely related to the common guppy. Used in mosquito control in the USA since 1915, these fish are vivacious consumers of mosquito larvae and pupae and can survive in varying water conditions from moderately high levels of Salt, Algae, Pollutants & Temperature Ranges from nearly freezing to above 100 degrees. These fish are compatible with most ornamental pond fish such as Koi, Goldfish and Carp which make them an excellent addition to any pond. Because mosquito fish are surface feeders, they are extremely efficient mosquito predators. Mosquito fish have been said to consume upwards of 80-100 mosquito larvae per day, and are capable of quickly populating a water source if conditions are favorable. The fish are placed in a variety of permanent and semi-permanent fresh water habitats, including: unused swimming pools, animal watering troughs, rice fields, golf course ponds, wetlands, natural creeks, reservoirs, & drainage channels. Mosquito fish are fantastic in shallow areas where larger fish cannot penetrate to eat the larvae.

Protect our Ecosystems & Know your Aquatic Animal Responsibilities
It is important to make sure living things in your aquarium or  pond are kept away from our oceans and natural waterways. Be responsible. Never dump fish, plants or snails into or near waterways, lakes, canals, washes, stormwater drains or the ocean. Donate unwanted fish to friends, other hobbyists, schools, your petshop, or dispose of them humanely by putting them to sleep in an ice slurry and then freezing them. Use care when cleaning tanks or ponds. Dump wastewater or excess unwanted plants into your garden, compost or trash. Design ponds so that plants, snails, fish or eggs can’t escape during heavy rains, and screen all overflow areas. Consider keeping species native to your local area. Most fish, snails, and plants you keep will not typically be native to your local area. If released, they are difficult to eliminate and pose a serious threat to fragile ecosystems and important industries. So don’t dump that fish incorrectly! Setting fish free may mean they die from starvation or disease, however, fish that do survive and breed will compete with local native species for food and space. They may also spread disease and parasites, and damage natural habitats.

We as a seller of live aquatic species promote the above statements and cannot control or assume any liablility for those that do not want to protect our environment. This is a personal choice made by the consumer. Please make a good choice when disposing of your pets

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Shipping Information

Waiting on your delivery?

We Ship to Your Door! It’s Real Easy!

As a general rule with our farm, if you place your order online by Monday @ 9am Arizona MST, we will do our best to get your order shipped to you the very same week by Wednesday. This is pending availability & weather of course. Orders placed by Sunday night have a better fill rate to ship the same week by Wednesday.  There is a delicate, tedious, timeline process to efficiently & properly package live tropical fish & plants, so we must follow a weekly schedule filled with daily deadlines that allow us to ship 100’s of orders each week reliably & efficiently, providing our happy customers with healthy quality livestock! Please & thank you for the extra consideration and understanding of what is involved to get a box of live fish delivered to your door safely.  We are a trusted source for over 3 decades, so please be on the look out for your emailed tracking number when your order ships from our farm!  Please read your emailed customer receipt for details and helpful links. You can locate most helpful links at the bottom of any page of this site. 

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DOAs (dead on arrival)?

There is always the potential risk of loss from any supplier when shipping perishable items & livestock, but in the unfortunate event your order is delivered with a loss of a fish, shrimp, snail or plant, simply report your casualty to us immediately upon delivery by using our Loss Reporting Process located at the bottom of every page on this site. Qualifying orders will get store credit to use on your next purchase! Read this link for details. Thank you!

Loss Reporting

When Is My Order Shipping?

Visit our SHIPPING link below   Here, you can learn about our Shipping Schedule & collection procedures and practices that our family has perfected & streamlined for 3 decades! This link is also located at the bottom of every page on this site under “Shipping Schedule”  and will provide detailed info that will help you understand how the ordering fish & plants process all works. Once you place your order, all customer’s get an immediate emailed receipt that will have helpful links & detailed information to assist with common questions about your order’s fulfilment process. Thank you friends!

Shipplng Details


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