The Water Poppy, also known as Hydrocleys nymphoides, features beautiful thick and shiny dark green leaves that will grow 2-4” wide on long trailing stems. While being almost water lily-like, the small cream and yellow toned flowers can bloom in abundance and up to 2 – 2.5” across.
This plant will thrive in water depths up to 12″ or 15″ deep, but prefers shallow conditions of about 6″. If planted in the shallow or shoreline of your pond, it will creep onto the edges but will not grow on the outer land. It prefers rich topsoil if you plan on potting it in a container. You should overwinter water poppies indoors in a shallow tub, but keep the plants moist and provide good light while doing so.
Minimum quantity for “Water Poppy or Hydrocleys nymphoides Floating Plant” is 6.