Kuhlii Loach
Canthophthalmus javanicus, Pangio kuhlii
- Water parameters:
- pH: 6.2-6.8.
- Hardness: Medium Soft to Medium.
- Max dh: 10
- Temperature: 78 – 82ºF (25.5 – 28ºC)
- Synonyms: Acanthophthalmus kuhlii, Cobitis kuhlii
- Native to: Indonesia
- Sexual Dimorphism: Females noticeably plumper when loaded with eggs like other Pangio species.
- Maximum size: up to 4 inches
All kuhlis do best in well-established aquaria with a good bacteria load. Lots of hiding places with soft substrate are also best for an ideal habitat. These are best kept in groups at least 3 or more, the larger the better! These are easily fed fish. Accepts good quality flake, sinking pellets or wafer, thawed frozen bloodworm, Mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, etc.
Like all Kuhlis, this species loves planted aquaria with plenty of cover and ideally with plenty of foreground grassy plants. In nature, they habitually grub around for food particles in such areas.
Kuhlis are a fairly easy fish to breed. These are farm raised fish we offer more mature, healthier and a a result a better shipper as opposed to those that sell skinny little adolescent Kuhli which can be very delicate and have a small survival rate. Our loaches will simply acclimate, adapt, and ship better for you!