Anubias aquarium plants are best planted in a shady spot or low light to restrict algae growth on the leaves. Anubias is also suitable for terrarium plantings as well. Herbivorous fish and otherwise aggressive Cichlids do not usually eat the very tough and robust leaves. Propagation of this plant is done by simply cutting the plant at the root (rhizome) with a very sharp pair of scissors.
Anubias look great in aquaria but grow much slower underwater. The larger species wont even fit in most tanks when allowed to grow emerged — not covered by water. The fastest way to encourage their growth is to raise their leaves above your water level.
Anubias will root onto wood or rough rocks. But unlike African ferns, anubias will grow an extensive root system into your gravel. Keep that rhizome above your gravel. Anubias grows much better when the light hits its rhizome. The best way to encourage growth is to anchor it to wood with a rubber band or Black cotton sewing thread. Some anubias growers insist the rhizomes rot when buried in the gravel. It just slows their growth
Damaged leaves will not repair themselves. If you want good-looking leaves, you’ll need to prune back and don’t be afraid, this will also encourage new leaf growth.
pH range: 6.5 – 7.2
Temperature range: 22-28 C
Water hardness: very soft-very hard
Propagation: Rhizome cuttings.
Habitat: Africa
Availability: readily available
This product is really cool. Take a look at the vibrant green colors in the leaves. Look at how they make even thing else around them kind of stand out that much more. This plant can provide pretty amazing depth to your tank setup. We at AZ Gardens pride ourselves and our business on our love for the wildlife. We are available to answer any questions you may have, simply give us a call. Also, please see our specials page for blazing deals.